Welcome to Seen to Unseen

Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re here! So what can you expect from this blog? Honesty, vulnerability, and rawness. Where do I get my inspiration to write? I look at seemingly mundane situations through an inquisitive and spiritual lens. The result? I see more than meets the eye. So what do I see?

Why Seen To Unseen?


Coming up with a blog name was no easy feat. I wanted a name that would adequately capture the essence of the purpose of my blog. I came up with 20+ names, but none really seemed to fit the mold.One sunny afternoon I yet again prayed about a name ...


“Daddy” (I call Him Daddy when I’m trying to lay on the cuteness factor in order to get my way – doesn’t always work though), “I really need You to give me a name for this blog. The idea to start a blog came from You and I really need Your input.”


And just like that, after months of praying, a name was given to me: “Seen to Unseen”. When I revealed the name to a couple of people, they looked at me inquisitively; wondering why I would opt for such a strange name. Why not ‘unseen to seen’?

About Me

Hmmm … what can I say about myself? I feel like there are so many facets to me. Well first things first.. my name is Liz Thuo. Hi! I am unapologetically a Jesus girl. My faith is my core; it is the driving force and compass of my life. I am insanely in love with Jesus…and He also happens to be totally crazy about me, so yay! We are two peas in a pod. I have known what it’s like to have nothing else but Jesus alone, and in those moments, I concluded that He is more than enough and He is all I truly will ever need, the rest is gravy. But it hasn’t always been this way. My Christian journey has been “interesting” to say the least …


The journey.

I gave my life to Christ when I was 15 years old then spent the next couple of decades yoyo-ing in and out of my faith. In my Christian walk I have fallen seventy times seven times ... times another seven. In the past I stayed down in my fallen state and turned my back on God, convinced that He was disappointed in me and persuaded that I had used up all my “second” chances.


But now, through God’s grace and unconditional love, I am learning to get back up when I stumble or fall. I am  now determined to stubbornly hold on to my faith and to not let anything or anyone come between me and Jesus, the Lover of my Soul. Moreover I know that no matter what I may face in this life, I am never alone. My Jesus promises to never leave nor forsake me.


I realized that part of what really made me struggle in life, in general, and in spiritual matters, is the fact that I had some preconceived notions about myself that affected my self-esteem. But even more importantly, I had a picture of God in my mind that did not match who He truly was. It wasn't until I got intentional in seeking Him for myself, that I finally saw Him, and the truth of His character. I found Him within the pages of the Bible, and in my daily conversations with Him. And I was left with no choice but to fall in love with Him!

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2 years ago

Seen To Unseen Blog
I have to share this e-mail I received from someone at my church. Be encouraged: "Lazarus believed even unto death. Through his sickness, until he breath his last breath, Lazarus believed Jesus is going to come and heal him, and in his grave, he still believed in Jesus because, immediately Jesus called his name, even though he was dead and decaying, he responded, as life came back to him. His faith is active and present continuous.We too should get to the point where our faith and trust in Christ is active and present continuous. What is the situation that has come upon you and pressing you to the point of death? What we see, feel, and hear should not be the ultimate determinant, but our faith in Christ and God. His words and promises are more dependable. Like with Lazarus, the continual deterioration in our situation should not cause us to doubt like his sisters and question God. Our reaction should be like Lazarus, knowing that his trusted friend will ultimately show up. God will show up as you continue to put your faith in him. He's trust worthy. He's faithful.I'm reminded of the promise of Jesus that said " I'll be with you I'll not forsake you. When you pass through deep water, it will not overtake you, and when you pass through fire it will not burn you" I've been a recipient of and partaker in this promise over and over. You too can. Jesus said, if you believe you'll see the glory of God" " ... See MoreSee Less
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2 years ago

Seen To Unseen Blog
"No God-given goal can be blocked, uncertain or impossible. With God all things are possible. If God issued a command that could not be obeyed, it would undermine His authority. If God wants it done, it can be done." Neil Anderson ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Seen To Unseen Blog
He is risen. He is risen indeed! Happy Easter. #Jesusthereasonfortheseason ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Seen To Unseen Blog
When a spider web is stronger than a brick wall .... Listen to this incredible story. ... See MoreSee Less
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3 years ago

Seen To Unseen Blog
I recall a time when we had a snow-related power blackout. My house was plunged into total darkness and the first thing I did was try to look for a candle and lighter...which it turns out I didn't have. So it was cell phone flashlight app to the rescue. But my cell battery was running low. My plan, when my battery eventually ran out, was to leave my house, brave the heavy traffic, risk skidding on snow-covered roads, so I can go look for a coffee shop or a restaurant with electricity so I can chill out there a while...coz I mean, who wants to stay in the dark?? I wanna bet that everyone, like me, will do everything in their power to find a light source the very moment power goes out...even one minute in darkness is a minute too long. It got me thinking about our poor spirit men aka our souls. How often do we leave them to fumble about in the darkness for days, months, years, decades, or even all our lives? If we can't function in the dark, why do we subject our souls to less than desirable living conditions? Isn't the spirit man the one who will live on long after we are dead and buried? Does it therefore not make sense to start investing in a good eternal future for our souls? Man was never meant to live in darkness - that is why we always seek out the light. So in our light-seeking quests, let's not forget the most important part of us, our souls. John 8:12- Jesus...said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light that leads to life." ... See MoreSee Less
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