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Was 2020 A Blessing in Disguise? Yay or Nay?
Dear 2020, Whoa girl! Who pissed you off?! Do you not know how we waited for you with bated breath? We made plans with you in mind; selected you as the person who would usher in our completed goals. Countless organizations had you pasted all over their strategic documents – …
Let’s Stop Doing Each Other Favours
The other day I came home exhausted! I had had a day full of physically demanding tasks. All I wanted to do was rest. I got home late at night and made sure that I locked the door because there were recent reports of break-ins in my neighbourhood. My husband …
My Immigrant Life – 20 Years In
August 21, 1999. The hour I had both been dreading and cautiously excited about had finally come upon me. In a few minutes, I was about to embark into the abyss of the deep unknown; facing a sea of firsts. I was about to leave everything I knew and everyone …
I lived in the city for my first 10 years in Canada. I didn’t like it. Too chaotic. I have always preferred the quietness of country life. So when we moved to the suburbs, I was pretty thrilled. It offered the tranquility I desired – and as a bonus, we …
Silently Powerful
In the movies, most of the villains are typically not too easy on the eyes – actually, let’s call a spade a spade and not a big spoon – they look ugly. But when the plot involves infiltrating an organization to bring it down from the inside, they cast a …
The Gift of Pain
About six weeks ago, on a Monday night, I got up from the couch to go to bed and I felt a discomfort on the right side of my back. “Hmmm, that’s strange”, I thought quietly to myself but didn’t pay it much attention. In bed I just tossed and …
YOU Feed Them
When I read the Bible, I often times wonder what my reactions would be had I been one of Jesus’ 12 disciples. As an introvert and a planner, I know for sure there is one situation that would have had me highly irate and ready to lose my entire mind. …
That Empty Feeling
I am living my best life … on paper. My relationships are flourishing. My social circle is robust and enriching. My job is evolving into my dream job where I’m getting to do more of what I love and less of what I hate. My childhood dream of traveling the …
Possible Impossibilities
I have always categorized myself as one with ‘stubborn faith’. Stubborn in the sense that I tell God “Dad, I have 2 options: it’s either You help me, or You help me. I have no one else to turn to. So I’ll just sit here and have a staring match …
The F-Word
Picture with me if you please…. The crimson sun playfully peeks at the earth below from behind a lone migrating cloud. After several minutes of playing peek-a-boo, the now emboldened sun completely breaks free from the cloudy drape and bathes the entire Serengeti in a warm, gorgeous, orange glow. The …
Not Insignificant
At State House Girls where I went to high school, we were one of the fortunate boarding schools that had a pretty decent menu. While some of the other schools’ version of “meat” was the weevils in the beans, we were spoilt to have real beef…and on Tuesday dinner we …
The Ark: More Than Meets The Eye
Last week I read the story of Noah and the flood (Genesis 6:9-9:17). Because people had become very wicked, God decided to destroy them along with the earth and everything in it. Only Noah, his family and a pair of each animal species were saved. The Bible tells us that …
Boundaries: Buzzkill or Blessing?
I love observing little kids. These tiny humans formulate a plan of action in their mind. “Oh boy! This is gonna be fun!” they say to themselves, giggling along the way. They set-off towards their plan when all of a sudden, like a thick dark cloud, a big bad grown …
Sold Out? Really?
It was a warm summer evening. I had been invited to a friend’s house for a party. As soon as I walked into the 8th floor apartment in North Toronto, despite the flurry of activity in the room, my eye was immediately drawn to a painting on the wall. It …
Identity: Who Am I?
A couple of weeks ago I caught my reflection in the mirror. I stopped and stared into my own eyes for a few minutes. And I asked myself “who are you Liz?” It made me think about the concept of identity. Who are we, really? Most of the time when …
I have to admit that over the past couple of weeks I’ve had to fight really hard to keep hopelessness at bay – some days I wasn’t successful. It just seems like there is a whole lot of bad things happening in our world lately – political unrest, earthquakes, hurricanes, …
Stand Out; Step Up
I am a very cost conscious person (read cheap). I don’t believe in paying more for something than is necessary. I also tend to misplace things a lot. Either I am scatter-brained, or I live in mischievous houses that hide my things when I am not looking. One time I …
I attended State House Girls High School – a boarding school. We were locked up like inmates and were only let out twice a term. The only other opportunity to escape the confines of our ‘prison’ was to get a day-pass to attend a function of one of the school’s …
A Deliberate Touch
I have a friend who says to me “I’m observant when I’m observing”. The first time she said that to me I thought she had lost her mind and was talking gibberish! But there is lots of truth in that statement. One time I was considering replacing my winter jacket …
Genesis: A Waiting Saga
We’ve all read the first couple chapters of Genesis – multiple times. My guess is it happens around the first week of January when we make a new year’s resolution to read the bible more :). We’ve read Genesis so many times that we end up glossing over it. I …
The Majestic Niagara…Droplets?
I have seen many a natural phenomenon – but little compares to the majestic Niagara Falls. Despite visiting the Falls umpteen times, they always take my breath away. You park your vehicle a little far aways – because you’re frugal 🙂 – and walk down Clifton Hill towards the Falls. …
Letting Go
We’ve all had, or are still dealing with situations that just don’t seem to work out the way we had hoped they would – despite our best efforts. Sure we may pray about it (if that)- but when we pray, are we like the woman in the scenario described below? …
Love Came Seeking
Last year our organization hosted a fancy dinner to honor my boss. Among the invited were the boss’ personal friends. When the time came, one of his friends who had flown in from out-of-country took to the stage and honored my boss in a most moving speech that saw all the women in the …
What Lies Beneath
Is it just me or are cases of road rage on the rise lately? I walk to work from the train station – a 30 minute journey – and for the entire trip the sound of honking is like a soundtrack on a continuous loop. If you dare hesitate a …
Last month I went to the Dominican Republic (DR) with the hubby and some friends for some much-needed R&R. Our days were mostly spent hanging out on the balcony overlooking the sprawling Atlantic Ocean or lazing by the pool. DR was hot – and I mean hottt! There were two …
I Just Wanna Go Home
“I just wanna go home!” Can you remember when you have uttered these words? I remember when I did. I had just come from an appointment where I was given an unfavorable report that completely deflated me. I was so saddened that I couldn’t hold back my tears as I …
Didn’t See That Coming
A couple of months ago I was home trying to gather up the motivation to leave the house to go buy a gift for a friend’s baby shower. It was a very hot and humid 38 degrees and the thought of going out in the sweltering heat was anything but …
A couple of months ago, my husband and I drove two different cars to the same place because we each had separate plans leading up to that. At night, when it was time to go home, he asked me if I wanted us to follow each other and I said, yes, he can lead and I …
Unfulfilled: Something’s Missing
Not too long ago, any screen, anywhere, was inundated with much hoopla about an upcoming match between two boxing giants. It was all everyone seemed to talk about. Even though I am not a fan of boxing, at some point they wore me down and I gave in to the …
Coming Soon / Now Playing
Imagine with me for a moment that you are a multi talented writer, director, producer, and casting director. You’ve finished writing the script for this amazing movie, you’ve gathered all the resources you need to produce it, and you’ve recruited the best cast and technical staff for the film. You …
Milhouse, The Night Watchman
We all have our guilty pleasures. Mine is undoubtedly a yellow, four-fingered family. I am talking about the Simpsons of course. Hubby is a huge fan too – so we have shared many a belly laugh when reminiscing about past episodes. I re-watch the episodes a million times and they …
Wall Unit and the Guest
If you grew up in Kenya – and I guess in many other countries too – chances are your mother had a wall unit or china cabinet of sorts that held her prized cutlery, cups, plates, and serving dishes. So prized in fact that these units typically came with lock and …
Date Night
On rare occasions I will opt to dine alone. There is something ‘freeing’ about the exercise. It’s actually interesting to see people’s reactions to a lone-diner in a non-fast food joint. There are uneasy glances thrown your way by other diners. The server almost always asks if you are waiting …
Freeze! Put Down Your Conclusion
In any given time period, there are a number of unfortunate things that happen to us. It could be something as ‘small’ as tripping, burning your tongue with hot coffee, missing your bus and getting late for work, getting yelled at by the boss, or getting into a fender bender …
Grief, The Beast
June 25. 2012. Exactly three years ago. I wake up to a strange sight. Through half-opened eyes, I see my husband towering over me, staring at me. “Whatsup?” I ask him in a groggy voice. He sits on the edge of the bed next to me and starts saying things …
Curve Ball
When I was growing up, the December school holidays meant that the “city kids” got shipped off to shagz (‘upcountry’) to go spend the month with grandma and grandpa. When we were younger there was no better way to spend the school break than in shagz: fetching water from the …