Coming up with a blog name was no easy feat. I wanted a name that would adequately capture the essence of the purpose of my blog. I came up with 20+ names, but none really seemed to fit the mold. One sunny afternoon as I took my daily walk around my neighbourhood I took the time to yet again pray about a name: “Daddy” (I call Him Daddy when I’m trying to lay on the cuteness factor in order to get my way – doesn’t always work though), “I really need You to give me a name for this blog. The idea to start a blog came from You and I really need Your input.” And just like that, after months of praying, a name was given to me: “Seen to Unseen”. When I revealed the name to a couple of people, they looked at me inquisitively; wondering why I would opt for such a strange name. Some thought I misspoke and that I actually meant to say ‘unseen to seen’.

So why “Seen to Unseen”?

  1. I love to learn and my favorite subject is God. Unfortunately, I am a visual learner. I need to see concepts played out in front of me …kinda hard to achieve when your main Subject is a Spirit. So God, in His mercy, has given me the ability to see Him and to draw spiritual lessons from everyday mundane situations and from my own experiences – good, bad, and ugly. If I grasp the truth and prove the validity of a concept in familiar (natural) terms, it then becomes difficult for me to refute the merit of the same concept in spiritual matters.  My blog will take lessons from the natural (seen world) and translate them to the supernatural (unseen world).
  2. My desire for the blog is to encourage people to enter into or deepen their relationship with Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:18 tells us “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” My desire is to encourage all of us to move away from a tendency to focus on the seen (temporary life on earth), to instead focusing our energies on readying ourselves for the unseen (eternity).
  3. Hebrews 11:1 tells us “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” It is my prayer that my blog posts will spur us on to faith; faith that our circumstances can change; faith that God can fix us no matter how broken we feel; faith that nothing is impossible with God. So the admonition for us here is to focus less on the circumstances we see and instead move to a place of faith and trust that although what we desire is unseen, it will come to pass IF it is within God’s will. In the meantime, we are to live our lives as though the unseen result is true vs. what we currently see.
  4. And the last piece is this: If I really force issues, Seen To Unseen can be abbreviated to STUN. The word stun means: to astonish; astound; amaze. These are some of the very emotions I feel when God reveals a truth about Himself based on some normal everyday thing I just witnessed or experienced. I am amazed and stand in awe of Him when that happens.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Claudette M

    Liz, I am as proud of you as I would be of my own daughter. I fully understand how the name of your blog was derived. God doesn’t fool around, does he? I’m looking forward to your official debut on Thursday. Nuff blessings.

    1. Liz Thuo

      Aaaaw. Thank you so much ‘mom’. No, He certainly doesn’t fool around. I look forward to seeing what He will accomplish through this ministry.

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