I am a born-again, imperfect follower of Christ. I gave my life to Christ when I was 15 years old then spent the next couple of decades yoyo-ing in and out of my faith. In my Christian walk I have fallen seventy times seven times. In the past I stayed down in my fallen state and turned my back on God, convinced that He was disappointed in me and persuaded that I had used up all my “second” chances. But now, through God’s grace and unconditional love, I am learning to get back up when I stumble or fall. I am  now determined to stubbornly hold on to my faith and to not let anything or anyone come between me and the Lover of my Soul.

I love to learn. I am very curious and highly inquisitive. Any new knowledge or revelation I gain is met with inconceivable excitement. My heart literally soars within me when I encounter a new truth; an invaluable gem that I can use to improve my life and those in my circle of influence.

My passion for learning is second only to my desire to help people in whichever capacity. A day that sees God use me as His hands and feet extended is a most fulfilling day. I love to be used of God to be an answer to someone’s sincere prayer, be it financially, in service, or to provide a timely word of encouragement.

My passion for helping others pales in comparison to my utmost insatiable desire to discover the many facets of my Lord, my King, and my Daddy! I love to look out for God everywhere and in all things. And it is absolutely beautiful to see all the ways He chooses to reveal Himself to mankind.

I have a life-verse. The one truth that I draw upon to steer me through this temporary life on earth is Matthew 6:33: “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.”

I invite you to join me as I journey through this exciting ride that is my life with Christ. It is my hope that we will discover more about God together and spur one another on to living for the unseen; not the seen.

Simply me,

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Lucy McKenzie

    Liz I am so proud of you. Thank you for taking the leap…supporting you!!!

    1. Liz Thuo

      Thank you so much Lucy for your support. I appreciate you. Much love.

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