Not Insignificant

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At State House Girls where I went to high school, we were one of the fortunate boarding schools that had a pretty decent menu. While some of the other schools’ version of “meat” was the weevils in the beans, we were spoilt to have real beef…and on Tuesday dinner we had chapati and ndengu! Granted it was no St. Andrew’s School Turi menu, but for a provincial school, our menu was pretty awesome. The favorite meal for most of us was Wednesday lunch. It was so epic we simply called it “Big Meal”. It was rice, beef stew with potatoes, and cabbage (shrug, doesn’t sound that epic now).

Many a miracles happened at State House Girls on Wednesdays around 12 noon. All of a sudden girls that were in the infirmary aka the sick room would experience “miraculous healing” that would enable them to limp, crawl, and drag their frail bodies up the little hill and into the dining hall for Big Meal. Unsurprisingly, these “miraculous healings” would expire soon after lunch was over and the girls, now ailing again, would return to the sick room – instead of going to the classroom to suffer through Mrs. Murei’s Chemistry class like the rest of us. Moral of the story – no one missed Big Meal.

From grade three to the end of high school, I was always involved in drama clubs. The passion was birthed in me when my dad routinely took me to watch the Kenya National Drama Festivals from a very young age. I would sit close to the front next to him and would spend all day watching plays and bobbing my head to the music as the students vigorously shook their waists as they sashayed across the stage in their sisal skirts and homemade ankle bells that rattled with every stamp of their feet. Those moments are some of my most favorite memories of my dad. I enjoyed my dates with him… especially when the “tea girl” would serve dad and I tea and mandazi. Day = made!

Anyway, so here I was, in the final year of high school. I had received a number of trophies in drama – but they were all part of a group accomplishment. For some reason (that I now cannot recall), I desired to have a trophy for ‘individual’ work. So I decided that I would fast and pray about said trophy. And because I wanted it to be a real sacrifice, I chose to fast not one, but two Big Meals…which made for an interesting two Wednesdays. I was bombarded with “Haiya! Liz Thuo, how come you’re not going for Big Meal?” questions. I can’t recall what response I gave – but you can bet I told no one the real “frivolous” reason I was skipping it.

Fast forward. It’s about two months later. D-day. The Provincial French Drama Festival competition was taking place. In an all-girls’ school, it was inevitable that some of the girls would get to play male roles; I was one of them. In one of the scenes, I was supposed to be having a nightmare. The plan was to have background music playing at that time. When we rehearsed at school, we used a small radio that didn’t have the best sound; but at the live performance, as the slow music blasted its way through powerful speakers, it moved me to tears … quite literally! I balled my little eyes out on that stage. And then it hit me! I’m supposed to be a dude! A grown dude! Dudes don’t cry, do they? Crying was definitely not part of the script! I had messed up and broke character. I had “femaled” all-over that scene! I was devastated!

The festival lasted a few days long. It was now the last day – the prize-giving ceremony. All the contestants from the various schools crammed into the hall that was stifling, hot, and definitely too small to house all of us. I half zoned-out as they were announcing the individual prizes because I knew there was no way this snotty-nosed “actor” would be getting any kind of award after botching her performance. And so I sat there merely awaiting the overall group prize announcements. I mindlessly clapped as name after name was called. Then they said “and the best female portraying a male role award goes to … Elizabeth Thuo”. I clapped as mindlessly as I had with all the other categories, and wondered why the recipient wasn’t going to the stage.  I then I noticed that I was getting an inordinate volume of elbow jabs to my ribs. “Ouch!” I responded angrily. One of the girls sitting next to me yelled “It’s you Liz Thuo! Go!” No one was more surprised than me! As far as I was concerned, I had totally botched my performance and stood no chance to win anything. I had also completely forgotten that I had prayed and fasted for individual recognition – but God never once forgot. As frivolous and self-serving as my request was, God took me seriously and by His grace, He honored my prayer.

That was a very powerful lesson for me. A lesson I carry with me to this day – the fact that God, as powerful and mighty as He is, He is concerned about our “little” desires and our “little” requests. I learned that although there are really big problems in our world, God cares enough to enter my little world and answer my “seemingly insignificant” prayers.

For example…I have a sometimes challenging job. I am the only one in the office. I got very little training when I started and many are the times when I feel like I am in waaay over my head. I recall two separate incidences where I had absolutely NO clue as to what to do or even where to start. I quite literally stared at a blank computer screen for weeks – not knowing how to tackle the massive project. After struggling on my own for weeks with no success, I remembered my best actress trophy and I asked the Holy Spirit to help me. Almost immediately after asking for divine intervention, I got clarity, ideas and divine direction. This was the end result of the two incidences:

  1. There was a strategic retreat for the Faculty of Medicine. Each department was to create a poster showcasing their department’s function and its contributions to the Faculty. I was a newbie at the job and didn’t even quite understand exactly what we did. So I prayed. Out of the 43 posters submitted, the one I created with God’s help won the best poster prize.
  2. My department was undergoing its 5-year external review and I was to create a booklet detailing what we have accomplished in the last five years. I have not been at the job that long and I had no one to ask for help – except Holy Ghost. He certainly came through for me and together we prepared a 300+ page booklet. This is the feedback I received from the Dean: “Congratulations on an outstanding booklet. If there was an award to give for such documents, yours would most certainly be award-winning in both substance and in presentation.” The booklet has now become the sample they send to other departments to show them how it should be done.

Why do I share these testimonies? It is to demonstrate the power of fasting and prayer. It is to show that God is interested in relationship with us and in doing life with us. He is not this detached Being who is only concerned about “big” issues. No, He is the Friend who sticks closer than a brother – so why wouldn’t He be willing to help you even in the most mundane of situations?  You are not insignificant to God. Nothing concerning you is insignificant to Him. You matter to God.

Again, why do I share these testimonies? It’s definitely not to brag – except about my weaknesses. Those three accolades I received, I give God 100% of the credit and ALL the glory because I know the hopeless position I was in before I invited Him to step into my situation. Friends, when we are weak, God is strong… but we need to invite Him into the situation. I don’t know why praying for help is sometimes a last resort for most of us. We stew in challenging situations for longer than we need to and only after we have done everything humanly possible, do we then cry out for God’s intervention. If you have accepted Christ as your personal Saviour, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit comes to reside in you (Galatians 4:6). He was gifted to us by God as a Helper (John 14:26) – I personally believe it’s not just in spiritual matters, but in all areas of life.

So what area are you struggling in? Spiritually, relationally, financially, career, health, otherwise? Why not follow the advice given to us in Philippians 4:6 – Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Why not accept Jesus invitation in Matthew 11:28-30  – Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” May I also encourage us to add fasting to our everyday walk with God? The Bible is full of many wonderful testimonies of the powerful ways God intervened when His people humbled themselves and fasted and prayed.

If you have a testimony to share I’d love to hear it.

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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Matt

    The detailed memories of your high school (the olden days) are refreshing to read 🙂 . This article is so true about how we tend to think that minute concerns are insignificant to God so we deal with them every other way instead of the right way. This article shows Gods love and attention to even to most minute details. Very encouraging message. Thank you yet again for the unveiling of highly important principles and reminder of attitudes and faith I tend to overlook in my every day walk.

    1. Liz Thuo

      Thanks love. I love how you’ve put it re. We think our minute concerns are insignificant to God. Very well said! Thanks for your unending support. xoxo

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