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Last month I went to the Dominican Republic (DR) with the hubby and some friends for some much-needed R&R. Our days were mostly spent hanging out on the balcony overlooking the sprawling Atlantic Ocean or lazing by the pool. DR was hot – and I mean hottt! There were two suns in the sky. As such we typically ventured ocean-side in the late afternoon – when one of the suns had clocked out for the day. Problem was, at that time of day the tide was coming in and the ocean was pretty choppy. One day in particular the ocean was especially rough. I bravely went in but after being slapped around by the waves a number of times I decide I had had enough. I opted to retreat and relax on the loungers instead, watching the chaos from a safe distance. The sound of my friend squealing drew my attention to her. She was being buffeted by the waves. Each time she regained her footing a new wave wiped her out; throwing her around like a rag-doll. I started off laughing at her… but the longer I watched her, the more my smile faded and a pensive mood swept over me. At that very moment I realized that what was playing out in front of me was an exact reenactment of the season of life I was in.

Seasons - DRWe go through seasons in life; some bright and cheery, some so-so, and some dark and gloomy! I had been traversing through a challenging and uncertain season. I wanted out of that season and I threw all kinds of resources and efforts at it; but I just couldn’t seem to break through – not permanently anyway. Some days I managed to rise above it and I would experience a long stretch of feeling great – but every now and then, without any warning, a fresh rogue wave would take a swipe at me and lasso me back to whence I didn’t want to reside. The seemingly endless buffeting left me exhausted: physically, mentally, and emotionally. But perhaps the toughest part of it all was that spiritually I felt dry; parched; drained. I felt as though I was going through the motions spiritually; merely existing as opposed to vibrantly living. Although I prayed often that God would turn my season around, if I were to be honest with myself, deep down inside I didn’t really have faith that He was able to. Getting out of this season wasn’t as easy as  strolling across the sandy beach and plopping myself on a lounger; no. This season had long tentacles that seemed reluctant to release me.

The church I attend announced a baptism that would occur the following week. I all but tuned out because I had been baptized decades before. But that Sunday afternoon, as I was cooking and listening to gospel music, I got a very strong impression from the Holy Spirit that I should get baptized again. I hesitated, not knowing if it’s scriptural for someone to get baptized again – but the strong impression would not leave me. I sensed that God was inviting me to lay down my attempts/plans and trust His way instead. I decided to obey. I prayed and told God, “Dad, I will do this. But I want everything that is not of you to stay buried when I go down into that water– and only that which is of You should remain and rise with me as I come up out of the water”.

Seasons - BaptismIt was D-day.  June 25, 2017. I changed into my baptismal clothes and stood in line to await my turn in the tank. After the baptism, I didn’t feel any different. But in faith, I chose to believe that God had honored His part of the equation; that everything in my life that was not of Him had remained buried. By the time I dried off, the service was close to ending. I hesitated to leave however because I sensed in my spirit that God wasn’t quite done with me yet. So I opted to stay and attend the second service. As I sang along, I felt a little disappointed. I was expecting to feel joy; but instead it felt as though the darkness of yesterseason was still hovering; licking at me; still trying to take a swipe at me. So I stopped singing; shutting everything else out. I quietly whispered “Holy Spirit, I could really use a fresh touch from You. Could You please meet with me in an unmistakable way?” With my eyes closed, I raised my right hand to heaven – as far high as it would go – even getting on my tippy toes to reach higher.

At first nothing happened – but I waited on Him, patiently, silently, stubbornly. Then suddenly something like an invisible bolt of lightning shot down my outstretched arm with power so strong I immediately got bent over in half; unable to stand under the strong presence of the Holy Spirit. He drenched me in wave after wave of His anointing, His unconditional love, His healing, His forgiveness, His acceptance, His approval, His freedom. He bathed me in His light, pushing back the darkness that threatened to envelop me. He let me drink of His presence, unhurried, until I was full and overflowing; my spiritual life dry no more. As the worship team sang the last bars of the last song, from inside my body I felt something that I would describe as a strong arm fuse itself to my spine and physically straighten me out from my bent over position – like a pivot. The straightening motion went on to crane my neck. I stood straighter than I’ve ever stood before; feeling like I was 10 feet tall; the biggest smile plastered across my face. At that moment I realized that I had literally and physically experienced the truth of Psalms 3:3: “But you, O LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” And in that very instant, I knew in my heart of hearts that my Lord had changed my season and had ushered me into a new one; a different one. How different you ask? Drastically so. It would be like likening a morsel of bread to a herd of elephants. The two have absolutely nothing in common. I was unmistakably and instantaneously renewed: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. And that renewal is present till this day.

Friends, GOD IS REAL. I struggle to comprehend how someone can question His existence when the whole creation literally screams with evidence of His existence. I don’t know what season of life you find yourself in today. Maybe you feel like a hamster in a ferris wheel; spinning your wheels furiously but going nowhere fast! Or maybe you feel like you’re in a constant state of drowning; unable to rise above the waves of challenge that keep slamming your face into the ground. Or you’re at crossroads, facing different options, wondering which path to take. Or it could be that spiritually you’re in a desert – the joy of your salvation has all but left you and you’re struggling to hold on to your faith. Perhaps you’re facing an impossible situation at work, at home, with your finances, your health, in your relationships with your kids, spouse, parents, siblings, friends…and you’re left emotionally drained and feeling utterly hopeless. Can I just tell you that God is able? He knows exactly what you’re going through and He knows exactly what it will take to see you through/get you out.  If you invite Him in and trust His plan and not your pain, He WILL intervene and He WILL turn your season around – in His own time. Don’t give up praying. Don’t give up believing. When your season has served its purpose, God will usher you into a new one – and you will be armed with a testimony to encourage others.

Isaiah 43:19: For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.
Philippians 4:19: And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
1 Peter 5:7: Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.
Matthew 11:28-30: Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Ezekiel 37:1-14: The valley of dry bones – powerful powerful scripture. Read it here.

Incidentally, at church this past Sunday we sang a new song that is absolutely perfect for this blog post. It’s called Made A Way” by Travis Greene. The lyrics are so uplifting. Listen to the song  below or click here to see the lyrics:

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Zipporah Supuk

    Wow. God is real. I have seen Him in all I do. Am blessed because in all I do I do it to glorify Him. This Liz is amazing. Do not weary God has got you.

    1. Liz Thuo

      Thanks Zippy! I’m happy to hear if your testimony too. Thank you for the encouragement.

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